Monday, July 26, 2010

Bawang herbal shampoo & conditioner?

Does anyone know if this shampoo and conditioner works? A friend says that it works and another says no. Can't find anything online. Anyone with experience care to chime in?Bawang herbal shampoo %26amp; conditioner?
i got a bit surprised that someone (or a company) made bawang extract for shampoo %26amp; conditioner. :)

FYI, Bawang in Bahasa Indonesia means red onion or garlic (we say, Bawang merah (red onion) and bawang putih (garlic) ). bawang is really famous here in Indonesia, but we only use it for food (same as Chinese)

well, i googled, garlic had a lot of vitamins. Dr. Gilles Fillion from Institute Pasteur of France said that garlic helps loose (?) serotonin from our body that helps reducing stress, anxiety and depression.

what about red garlic? well, red garlic really helps for diabetic...

for hair? i couldn't find anything. sorryBawang herbal shampoo %26amp; conditioner?
Hi ive tried this shampoo, after hearing alot about in hong kong. Ive read that its the 3rdbest shampoo used in far asia. So i gav it a go. I brought bawang essence for my hairloss frm and i gotta says that its so mild on the hair %26amp; on top of dat my hair dont fall much at all now:) Report Abuse

that means garlic, just to let you know.

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