Friday, July 23, 2010

The best shampoo/conditioner?

Hey everyone im rita and im 15 and i really want silky smooth hair. My natural hair is frizzy and wavy and a little bit curly. I can't even describe it. But when I straighten it it comes out really good but i want it to be silkier and much smoother than it already is! Any suggestions? %26amp; Thanks.The best shampoo/conditioner?
i highly recommend herbal essences line of products

try the Hello Hydration shampoo and conditioner ( orchid %26amp; coconut scented, blue bottle. cheap.) it makes hair very smooth, smell wonderful, and very manageable.

you can also try serums as well. they help keep your hair shiny and frizz-free if applied correctly. :]The best shampoo/conditioner?
L'Oreal Vive
mine is the same. I'm 17 and i found the best product is garnier fructis
aveda is the best the hang straight would suit you or curly it to make the most of what you got

i swear to god its amazing and my savior!

its expensive though
Redken's ';All Soft'; shampoo %26amp; conditioner. My bathroom is full of different shampoos %26amp; conditioners, but I usually use this one =)
Definately Dove or Sunsilk.
pantene is great!

john fredia is great!

i recomend these!!

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