I didn't notice that my hair grew any faster but it was a TON healthier. It may not smell as fruity and flowery as these other shampoos but it will do wonders for your hair.Does mane n' tail shampoo and conditioner really make ur hair grow fast?
No, it doesn't.
Nothing will make your hair grow faster and horrible a truth as that is. Your hair will grow about 1/2 an inch a month maybe a little more or less but there's nothing you can do (aside from hair extensions) to make your hair grow otherwise.Does mane n' tail shampoo and conditioner really make ur hair grow fast?
Nope. I've used it.. I don't know how that got around
it's a very thick shampoo and it just makes my hair really poofy.
but it didn't grow any faster than it would without using it, I don't think
Plus, hair is dead cells. Eat different foods.
every1 is diffrent....but in my opion no it doesnt , i used it for a while n didnt notice nething diffrent ... n i really dont like the smelll of it
I've never heard of it helping your hair grow faster but I know a guy that uses it and has better looking hair than some women
It takes time, because hair grows half A MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!
so it locks in ur hair to stop breakage!!!!!!!!!
it works!!!!!!!!
look at horse hair!!!!!!!! lol it took the time to grow!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not a prayer, if that was true, you wouldn't even be able to buy it. Just a marketing ploy.
It does make it healthier and stronger so in essence maybe! But I don't think so and it stinks!
no but it makes real pretty. only time will make your hair grow.
no shampoo will make your hair grow fast.
lol no I tried it does nothing.
I dont see how it could
yes it does
no but it makes it soft and shiny :)
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